September 26, 2010
So many years now that you’ve been gone,
Yet always you’re in my heart.
I wish that I could understand
Why it was you had to depart.
I often wonder how you’d look now--
This year you’d turn twenty-one--
And I wonder if you’ve continued to age
In heaven, my precious son.
I miss the sweetness of your smile,
And I wish that I could touch
The softness of your hair and cheek.
Oh, my son, I miss you so much!
How I miss the talks we used to have
And the games we used to play!
Life’s not been the same, my precious son,
Since you left that terrible day.
I went out to your grave today
And left flowers, balloons and such,
I thought of you and I prayed a while—
It doesn’t seem like much.
But it’s all that I can give you now,
When you’re in heaven so far away,
I don’t even know if you can hear
The words I’ve tried to say.
I’ll never know the special joy
Of seeing you full-grown,
But I’m thankful for the years we had
And all the joy we’ve known.
And I look forward to the day
I’ll see you at heaven’s door—
The day I’ll get to hug you again
And be with you forevermore!
So, happy birthday, my precious son,
Whom I love eternally.
Though today you’re turning twenty-one,
My baby you’ll always be.
Written with love for Rose and Leo by Saralyn McAfee Smith
September 26, 2010

Thank you, Saralyn, Robbie's Mom, for this lovely gift!

Thank you, Susie, Jason's Mom, for this beautiful gift!

Thank you, Donna, Corey's Mom, for this lovely gift!

Page and Graphics Made for Rose and Leo with Love by Saralyn, Robbie's Mom
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